the sun.

the sun.

Lilly Kinney

To extend, enhance & exhault yourself. the sun. will guide you, brighten your day, remind you that we are life, & ultimately give you life. To let the light pierce your darkness. To come to a place where we no longer judge ourselves for our darkness. To recognize your darkness and say yes, this darkness exists but you do not have to remain in this shadow. We are in a state of constant change - how beautiful to know that the dark times will not last forever and balancing that - the light times will not last forever. To honor and move through your life without resistance to what is.

I will be answering questions, sharing what helps me, and how to honor the deepest part of you which will illuminate your true essence, your true self. You are worthy and deserving of so much - don't allow your mind to keep you in a box built by fear, shame, self doubt, etc. What if those thoughts came up so you could simply choose to move past them with confidence because you know that is not a guiding voice worth listening to - that is the limiting voice (ego) that wants to keep you "safe" aka in the box.

Guess what!? You were not put on this Earth to fit in a box created by the mind. You are a multidimensional human being, a mosaic masterpiece.

What if we could arrive at a place of peace within the mind where we are not limited, but encouraged to lean into the uncomfortability because we know there is growth there. There is so much beauty in the unknown which is a constant in this life. The voices in your head are another constant. Where do they come from? Who are the voices that speak? How can we get to a better place within ourselves with our inner voice?

Allow the sun. to be a guiding voice to deepen the connection with your true self, not the false mind made self (ego). Let the sun. guide you. Let the sun. light the way.

We all have different experiences in this life but one commonality - the sun. Relating through Nature, relating to Nature. Nature can teach us so much. As my teacher Maitreya says "Go into Nature, Nature will not reject you. Go into Nature, you will see, you will know".

Categories: Education

Listen to the last episode:

You are boundless. You are limitless. You go far beyond your physical appearance. You do not stop with the reflection you find in the mirror. You are so much more.

May this episode offer perspectives that invite you to truly see yourself and the infinite nature of what is unseen inside of you.



0:00 Intro

0:30 Your Spirits resilience

2:20 Internal shine

3:00 Modeling references

8:08 Loving the "unloveable"

9:00 Consciousness in water

10:00 Language we use when we see ourselves

11:20 Releasing tie to the external

12:22 Rising up & expanding

13:08 Loving language to & from your younger self

17:08 Allow & honor the child in you

19:44 Being what you need

21:00 Soul time

24:36 Tangible practice to try

26:00 Radiating when walking into ANY room

27:00 Beauty

28:00 In need of no one


mucho love xoxox

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  • 19 - It's You 
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  • 18 - Addiction 
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  • 17 - Seeing Life in Color - with 9 year old Bella 
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  • 16 - Experiencing Jealousy with Women 
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